New ifa-Study: Understanding Civil Society in Europe
(Siri Hummel, Laura Pfirter, Johannes Roth, Rupert Graf Strachwitz)
A Foundation for International Cooperation
Union européenne : éviter la confusion et se concentrer sur son principe fondateur de promoteur du multilatéralisme
Good luck, Brits! A message from Germany
While the Brits may be on their way out of the Union, that does not mean we should count them out of cooperation altogether. Given all the common global challenges at play, Brexit must not spell an end to our alliance. On the contrary, it could open the door to new opportunities.
>> The article by Rupert Strachwitz
EUConsult Brexit Statement
Like many other European organisations, EUConsult has been watching the Brexit process over the past three years. We have held off providing advice and opinion, waiting instead to see which way the negotiations over the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union would go.
>> Please find here the EUConsult Brexit Statement
Can Germany Provide Global Solutions?
Germany’s leaders talk about taking on more responsibilities in world affairs. But the country’s government struggles with even basic forms of efficiency.
>> The article by Rupert Strachwitz
Talk by Rupert Graf Strachwitz at the 17th Symposium on Knowledge & Space: Knowledge and Civil Society
Rupert Graf Strachwitz was one of the speakers of the 17th Symposium on Knowledge & Space: Knowledge and Civil Society.
The Symposia in the Studio of the Villa Bosch at Heidelberg deal with the generation, diffusion and application of knowledge under special consideration of the role of the spatial context and the spatial dimension of knowledge-disparities. The topic Knowledge and Space covers various interrelated research questions, which are of great political and economical relevance to society.
>> Please find here the video and more information about the Symposium